Bedford Field Notes | Life in the Watershed Series
This new educational series on the natural world in Bedford includes three events, featuring world-class experts. Each will be a convivial community gathering and learning experience from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Historical Hall in Bedford Village. For more info, please visit Bedford Field Notes.
It’s a miracle most of us take for granted: we turn on our kitchen taps and drinkable water comes out. Whether you draw from a well or a centralized system, you rely on the ground waters and a wondrous network of underground caverns, rock ledges and sandy pits that live deep beneath the surface of Bedford’s earth. This subterranean and above-the-surface exploration will forever expand your understanding of a world your life depends on.
Join us with CBS News correspondent David Pogue as moderator. Speakers include: Marc Yaggi, Chief Executive Officer, Waterkeeper Alliance; Laura DeMott, Geologist, New York Water Science Center; Rod Christie, Executive Director, Mianus River Gorge.
Presented jointly with the Mianus River Gorge, Bedford Garden Club, Rusticus Garden Club and Bedford Historical Society.